Guidelines for right of withdrawal

100% satisfaction guarantee

If you are not satisfied with the goods, or the package arrives later than promised, we will refund what you were not satisfied with. You do not need to return the item. The guarantee includes:

  • Delayed shipping: We refund the shipping. If the shipping was free, we will refund the ordinary shipping cost.
  • Errors with goods: We refund goods with errors.

If there is something wrong with the goods or the packaging, send us photos so that we can follow up with our suppliers. The guarantee is valid for 14 days after receipt of the item.

General right of withdrawal

If the product does not meet your expectations, or you regret a purchase, contact Kosibox as soon as possible so that we can find a good solution. We go to great lengths to make our customers happy.

You can cancel the purchase within 14 days of receiving the item. The item must then be sent back to Kosibox, Krabberudlia 31, 1337 Sandvika. We will then refund the purchase less shipping costs. Products where the packaging has been opened cannot be refunded.

When canceling an order, this is only possible until we start packing the order.